Track investing

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Barbatos # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 12h51:17 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr


There is now a new structure: the track investing. This structure allows you to earn more turns per day if you give money to the race track owner.
Please give your opinions and suggestions about this new structure. clin

darkgo1 # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 13h34:48 Citer
Team: darkgo1
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Track investing

Nivel 1 - Daily turns incomes: 25
Invest money for the F1 track gives you an advantage over your opponents: you have more turns per day.

Upgrade to level 2:
Cost: 500 000â?¬
Duration: 1 jour
Max level: 6

Well, for me is clear: whatever is option to get more turns...


The 25 extra-turns are just for one day?

Or are 25 turns over the whole season?
Modifié Le 05/02/2011 à 13h36:38 par darkgo1
Barbatos # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 13h37:34 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

These turns are not extra turns. This is the turns that you earn all days (with your money). At level 1 you earn 25 turns per day like before, and when you upgrade your structure you earn more turns per day... clin
Jolly Roger # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 14h23:53 Citer
Team: Jolly Roger
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Country: cl

I think, 25 turns per day with - 5 or only 3 drivers - is very few. So, how many turns per day I can get extra with each level?
fenix # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 18h32:20 Citer
Team: fenix
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Citation : Jolly Roger
I think, 25 turns per day with - 5 or only 3 drivers - is very few. So, how many turns per day I can get extra with each level?

Upgrade it clin

BTW GREAT JOB AGAIN!! unsure oleil:
Jolly Roger # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 19h37:35 Citer
Team: Jolly Roger
Messages: 6
Ranking: 0
Country: cl

why don´t you waste 500.000 bucks heureux ?

It was a question to barbatos - don´t worry.
armajosi # Posté Le 17/11/2012 à 14h04:46 Citer
Team: armajosi
Messages: 1
Ranking: 723
Country: fr

escuse me i am a new player and i have a question
when a season begin, us money, pilots, etc, are reset ?
thank you in advance
Barbatos # Posté Le 17/11/2012 à 14h58:52 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Hi and welcome,

The answer is yes. smile
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