spies in the camp

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numptydegs # Posté Le 06/03/2014 à 15h56:14 Citer
Team: numptydegs
Messages: 9
Ranking: 166
Country: ad

SCT-Scatenati -FF1GP group.Are a bunch of scumbags..especially Opa.
TMP BlindingSnake # Posté Le 20/03/2014 à 21h40:35 Citer

Team: MM Raiger 2
Messages: 14
Ranking: 242
Country: uk

another spy in the camp but your team would have never won as montys would have always backed the DDFR like they are going to do for us when we go for 2nd place backed by the DDFR.
your name will be posted in the DDFR ranks incase we come up against you in another racing game


16595 fr steve91210 steve91210

FF! cheating scumbags i agree thats why this game as got boring to many cheats sending out spies

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