help please

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TMP ragman racing # Posté Le 23/02/2011 à 21h55:21 Citer
Team: ragman racing
Messages: 32
Ranking: 403
Country: uk

now we have the new site mine is still not in english., how do i get it translated
any help will be most welcome
sorry, panic over, again my screen was not wide enough to show the union jack
witch i found in the top right corner, one click and all is ok again
Modifié Le 23/02/2011 à 22h02:06 par ragman racing
Barbatos # Posté Le 23/02/2011 à 22h48:22 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
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4tune stiggy # Posté Le 04/03/2011 à 21h44:07 Citer
Team: stiggy
Messages: 4
Ranking: 369
Country: uk

use google chrome browser will translate for you heureux
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