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racerone # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h10:06 Citer
Team: fernando team 1
Messages: 39
Ranking: 803
Country: fr

buongiorno a l'italia

tutta questa polemica e inutile ! barbatos e un giovane genio che tenta di farci dimenticare yrm ! non e il suo mestiere e se propone a alcuni qualchi lavori per aiutare non puo essere risponsabile se il lavoro non e fatto !
la traduzione la dovevamo fare emmanuele e me ma pensate che noi siamo prima di tutto gioccatori come voi !
ho un lavoro, bambini da crescere etc, etc... come tutti voi !
communque calmatevi e invece di tirare su di lui questo forum serve a fare tutte le domande necessarie per capire il giocco e non ho mai visto qualche domanda senza risposta !
non dovete prendere questo come offesa !
pensate che barbatos e ancora a scuola !
Barbatos # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h22:10 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Citation : Marracash
ah, however, in six months he did not find the time to translate? anyone? haha this boy is really busy

Yes, I am. Sorry for not being a nerd like you.
Since you don't have any respect for me, my work and my game, I'll just say one thing: "leave it and never come back". Thank you, bye.
Marracash # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h36:13 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

Ahah I have no respect? Until now we were the ones to be treated without respect, we have acted accordingly. Ok so in six months no one has had time .. It is, I believe you.
However reply to my question on how to translate from that folder you have sent, I'll do it, since no one does.

Racerone: capisco benissimo, ma TU hai detto A MAGGIO che per la traduzione mancava poco... Lo ripeto, non siamo stupidi noi.. Nessuno crede alla favola che in sei mesi non avete trovato un briciolo di tempo dai. Ognuno ha delle cose nella vita da fare, io stesso vado all'università e ho altri impegni, ma sono sempre stato dell'idea che se uno ha la voglia di fare una cosa il tempo lo trovo.
Barbatos # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h43:05 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Citation : Marracash
Ok so in six months no one has had time .. It is, I believe you..

You're right, in 6 months no one from Italy came to help. The Spanish wanted to translate the game in Spanish, they asked for it and just did it. You didn't. You are just whining about everything but during these 6 months I received nothing from you to help me, except the last week after saying "bla bla we are the best players bla bla we leave the game bla bla...".

Do you remember this thread ?
... no one email'd me from your country.
Marracash # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h50:04 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

As I said there were some people that had to do it, if they did not do the work I can not help it .. There should have been more involvement on our part, but there wasn't.
But let's forget grudges, I do not want to go through that critical and does nothing, for what it does not carry over, etc. ... because who knows me knows that i'm not so, and I gave a bad impression. So I apologize for what happened, but I do not take back the word.
I always preferred the words with action, so tell me well how to translate (I downloaded what you put, but I do not know what to do), and let's leave this stupid argument
fat # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h51:03 Citer

Team: fat
Messages: 21
Ranking: 749
Country: fr

Citation : Marracash

However reply to my question on how to translate from that folder you have sent, I'll do it, since no one does.

hum ...
1- download the archive
2- extract files on your harddrive
3- foreach file
3a- open file with notepad or wordpad or any other text editor
3b- translate (note this is the real work here)
3c- save
4- create an archive with the modified files
5- send back the archive
6- wait
7- enjoy

is that that complicated ?
Modifié Le 04/12/2011 à 12h52:07 par fat
dgedge # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 12h55:18 Citer
Team: dgedge
Messages: 109
Ranking: 363
Country: fr

"So I apologize for what happened, but I do not take back the word."

It sounds better, but not enough...

Modifié Le 04/12/2011 à 13h40:10 par dgedge
thorlecou57 # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 13h17:16 Citer
Team: thorlecou57
Messages: 3
Ranking: 428
Country: fr

eh ben barba se donne bcp bcp de mal pour gerer ce jeu et de nous en faire profiter gratos et l autre la se la ramene pour ralerlangue irate: quel c....celui la
il devrait te payer pour prolifer de telles paroles!!!!
tiens j ai une idée....chaque insulte ou insinuations de ce genre le coupable doit verser une donation pour le fonctionnement du jeu....sinon il sera banni a vie.rire c est un bon moyen de faire taire ces charmantes personnes non?????heureux
qu en pensez vous?
dgedge # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 13h31:01 Citer
Team: dgedge
Messages: 109
Ranking: 363
Country: fr

I agree!
Barbatos # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 15h03:15 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Haha thorlecou57, si à chaque insulte on doit me faire un don, d'ici 2 mois je m'achète une nouvelle maison grâce à tous les dons. heureux
E.F.S.Ds Alex # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 18h44:57 Citer
Team: Alex
Messages: 62
Ranking: 0
Country: it

J'a pas insulte persone.Ca c'est bien claire.Malereusement je ne parle pas l'anglais et avec le francais......Bhe,aussi la c'est pas terible.J a tout jour dit a Barbatos que l'ecole c'est plus important de un jeu(je suis moi aussi un pere de 2 enfants et je le comprende bien).La choise que je tollere pas ce sont des promesse qui apres ils sont pas rispecte.Je pense pas qu'il faut beaucoup de temp pour envoye des file a Manu e Racerone.Je pense que eu il attende que ca.Apres,s'il faut 2 mois au 3 mois je le comprende tres bien(on peux pas avoir le choise tout suite,sur tout ON VEUX PAS CA).Pardon moi Barba,mais a la place que tu t enerve pour mon message je prefere que tu dit ........Pardon,je fait un erreur.....Et nous on le comprende.Nous sommes des etre uman.Quand meme je ne veux pas bagare et aussi cree des problemes.Quand le travaille de traduction il sera' termine les italienne il returnera' avec plaisir.Merci a tous.

dgedge5 # Posté Le 04/12/2011 à 20h16:27 Citer
Team: dgedge5
Messages: 12
Ranking: 17
Country: fr

Barbatos n'a pas fait d'erreur, il n'a juste pas reçu d'aide pour traduire et il vous a expliqués que vous n'aviez pas répondu à sa proposition.

La façon de faire est vraiment discutable, balancer un message hautain et polémique en oubliant ce que Barbatos apporte à tous, c'est vraiment incroyable.

Maintenant, vous avez tous les fichiers, en espérant que cela vous apportera plus encore que votre "suprématie" ....
Modifié Le 04/12/2011 à 20h17:30 par dgedge5
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