Game is now translated into English

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Barbatos # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 11h56:55 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Hello everyone,

After several days of work, the game is now available in English. There are still some translations to do, do not worry.
If some translations are wrong, please let me know. clin

Note that the game will be translated soon into Spanish and Italian through dpcarballo and proferrari. Many thanks to them.

Modifié Le 29/01/2011 à 11h57:02 par Barbatos
ATR- Gxxxx # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 13h51:58 Citer
Team: Gxxxx
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Country: fr

congratz for the quick and nice translation. I guess it'll be very appreciated by the players.
fenix # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 18h15:18 Citer
Team: fenix
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Country: es

Citation : Gxxxx
congratz for the quick and nice translation. I guess it'll be very appreciated by the players.

yeah!! unsure oleil:
ProRacer # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 20h48:41 Citer

Team: proracer
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Ranking: 805
Country: es


Now,the game,it's easier for a lots of players!!!

Xaviz # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 23h38:42 Citer
Team: Xaviz
Messages: 39
Ranking: 503
Country: mx

thanks barbatos, now i understand several things clin
fenix # Posté Le 30/01/2011 à 07h47:50 Citer
Team: fenix
Messages: 47
Ranking: 0
Country: es

Citation : Xaviz
thanks barbatos, now i understand several things clin

hahaha, same for me!! langue
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