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Georgi # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 13h29:04 Citer
Team: MM Georgi
Messages: 5
Ranking: 399
Country: uk

The 25 turns per day are shared between all your drivers right? not 25 turns for each driver.
ATR- Gxxxx # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 13h55:08 Citer
Team: Gxxxx
Messages: 122
Ranking: 0
Country: fr

the 25 turns is what you have for all your drivers, then it's up to you to decide on how you share those laps among your drivers
Georgi # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 14h16:47 Citer
Team: MM Georgi
Messages: 5
Ranking: 399
Country: uk

OK, thanx for that, I spose one driver might be a better bet than five then?
ATR- Gxxxx # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 15h40:57 Citer
Team: Gxxxx
Messages: 122
Ranking: 0
Country: fr

if you are looking for the driver title...probably...

if you aim for the manager championship, definitly not

it's up to you to aim for one or another goal...or maybe both if you are strong enough ! I think it is nice like that.

it is part of the game to find the most suitable combination of drivers to achieve our goal,
Georgi # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 17h32:26 Citer
Team: MM Georgi
Messages: 5
Ranking: 399
Country: uk

OK boys I know because I'm a girly you will think I'm divvy but I have just noticed that "Fatigue" in this game has a PLUS (+) value & that's why I couldn't do my test laps 'cos my fatigue level was 100% !! blink
fenix # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 18h09:19 Citer
Team: fenix
Messages: 47
Ranking: 0
Country: es

Citation : Gxxxx
if you are looking for the driver title...probably...rnrnif you aim for the manager championship, definitly notrnrnit's up to you to aim for one or another goal...or maybe both if you are strong enough ! I think it is nice like that.rnrnit is part of the game to find the most suitable combination of drivers to achieve our goal,


Very interesting.... now i'm out of turns.... triste

Let's learn more about this game, it's look great clin
ATR- Gxxxx # Posté Le 29/01/2011 à 21h04:14 Citer
Team: Gxxxx
Messages: 122
Ranking: 0
Country: fr

100% "Fatigue" means that your driver is totally tired and can do no more laps.
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