standings after last race

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Auteur Message
SCT - jawayim # Posté Le 22/02/2011 à 22h11:30 Citer

Team: jawayim
Messages: 15
Ranking: 67
Country: nl

For some reason the result of my 5th driver hasn't been taken into count.

Here are the results of the race having taken place in the group 90
1 --- Al Garve (# 2761) jawayim (# 1124) Royal Red Diabolos (# 131)

However, he is still ranked #1402 with 0 points, and today I have gained 65 points, because of two victories (H.P. Müller # 1210 and August Momberger # 1211) and one 3rd place (Rocky Evans # 1213).
In fact, I should have gained 90 points, because of Al's win. The same goes for our clan Royal Red Diabolos #131
I have the impression that the points of our other clanmembers' new drivers also have been forgotten.

Perhaps not highly important at the start of a new season / version, but something to avoid in the future.

With kind regards, Yim (10th overall, in fact 9th, with pays-bas winner of the highest-average-number-of-points-per-player-per-nation-trophy ;-) )
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