Formula World - Forums - Bugs report - Structures


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Alexander # Posté Le 11/05/2011 à 07h39:55 Citer
Team: Alexander
Messages: 3
Ranking: 862
Country: au

Dear Barbatos,
.After having had great results in the Malaysia GP, my team scored enough points to earn prize money to put my bank of money at 818.??0. I decided to spend that money on Structures/Headquarters at 880.000 costs immediately after the race.
This should have left me a deficit of -61.??0...Upon applying for the purchase, I was given a deficit of
-947.850. What's more,There is no change in level, but that may well come on the expiry of the waiting time...
any ideas or thoughts?
I, for one, like your new addition of being able to do pit stops and repairs during the live race. It lets the occasional racer with only a few drivers compete with the the members with many drivers who would have to be very busy repairing so many cars in such a short time. It is a great leveller! Congratulations on the new improved game! Brendan

Barbatos # Posté Le 11/05/2011 à 17h10:31 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr


Your bug is strange... What was the price of your improvement ?
Alexander # Posté Le 11/05/2011 à 19h46:31 Citer
Team: Alexander
Messages: 3
Ranking: 862
Country: au

Dear Barbatos...Thanks for you prompt reply...I thought it strange as well, but the price was 880,000 and the level up was to four (4)! It cashed in 1,760.000...
Also, I thought I may have double clicked with my mouse, accidental and extremely quickly, when only meant to click once! But I did not think that would have counted as I would have been in debt with the first click down??? I also admit I did so immediately after the race had finished.
...Please don't worry to much about it, I am not! I just thought I should mention it in case others have a similar problem..Thank you for your time.

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