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El Hierro # Posté Le 27/11/2011 à 13h34:55 Citer
Team: El Hierro
Messages: 1
Ranking: 0
Country: es

Other clans are racing with 17 and 18 accounts well so am i i have my montys marauders raigers and i am now bringing my DDFR CARS BACK IF YOU DECIDE TO DELETE MY DDFR CARS THEN PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DELETE EVERY ONE ELSES CARS ---check how many nations cars are racing the french have the most cars( i have a french clan papateam with my friend sam ppt) Barbatos i urge you to rethink your cull which is having a effect on nations outside France Take time (i have) look at the clans they are short of drivers and remember people will start to look elsewhere for another game and if they can find one as good as this they will leave and email each other to follow them. you might think we all don't get on ie french,italians,spanish but you are so wrong we all race and have friendship with each other
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Barbatos # Posté Le 27/11/2011 à 16h07:59 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

I don't understand what you are talking about. If you are talking about the accounts limitation, there is nothing to say. When I see that some guys have 50, 100 or 200 accounts it is just too much. If you don't like this rule, just leave this game.
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